
Rejuvenate Your Figure

Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

This procedure is one of the most widely performed cosmetic surgeries and is designed for women who may feel unhappy with the appearance of their breasts and are looking for an option to help them achieve a more attractive overall appearance. The end result: rejuvenated and shapelier breasts.

A breast lift will help you reshape your breasts by tightening the skin of the breast, lifting and reshaping the breast tissue and raising the position of the nipple and areola on the surface of the breast improving your overall breast profile and firmness.

Typical reasons women choose a breast lift include:

The causes of loss of skin elasticity in the breast include:

What breast lift surgery can’t do.

Breast lift surgery will not significantly change the size of your breasts or round out the upper part of your breast. However, for women wanting their breasts to look fuller too, our team will discuss combining breast lift and breast augmentation surgery.